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Dungog and District Honour Roll

Dungog and District Honour Roll
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Description / Background

Two wooden honour boards located on the right hand side of the foyer of the Dungog Memorial RSL Club. The larger board contains names of those who served in the Second World War, listed in five columns, with those killed in the centre column. The smaller board contains extra names from the Second World War, as well as those who served in Korea and Vietnam.

Notes on veterans' names:

  • The available evidence indicates A K Atkins and J Bruce were taken as prisoners of war (POWs) and subsequently went missing. Therefore they have been given the status of DPOW.
  • A K Atkins is listed on the memorial as A R Atkins.
  • J T Gurr is listed as J G Gurr.
  • J A Saint-Smith is listed as A Saint-Smith.
  • The available evidence lists the cause of death for R Miners and R Rose as 'Presumed'. As they are not listed as POWs, they have been given the status of Killed in action (KIA).
  • Status codes for all other deceased veterans have been taken from information on the Australian War Memorial Roll of Honour and Commemorative Roll, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission database and National Archives records.

Large board:

1939 Dungog & District Honour Roll 1945


Killed in action or Died on service [centre column]


Small board:

World War II






Veterans listed on this memorial

Veterans listed on this memorial

Last held rank Given name Family name Conflict/s Service No. Service Campaign Read more
C H Golledge World War 2 view
A E Golledge Vietnam War view
K R Golledge World War 2 view
M A Gray World War 2 view
J T Gurr World War 2 view
D K Haggarty World War 2 view
H H Hancock World War 2 view
D A Hancock World War 2 view
N W Hancock World War 2 view
O J Hannan World War 2 view

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Dungog Memorial RSL Club
100 Lord Street
Dungog NSW 2420
Local Government Area
Dungog Shire
Building – inside
Memorial type
Recorded by
Mr. Robert McLardy
Second World War, 1939–45
Korean War, 1950–53
Vietnam War, 1962–75