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NSW Officers of the P.M.G.'s Department Honour Roll and Book of Remembrance

NSW Officers of the P.M.G.'s Department Honour Roll and Book of Remembrance
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Description / Background

This First World War honour roll is a large, polished, dark granite plaque. Inset into the granite surrounds, is a lighter coloured, polished marble tablet. Names of the Postmaster General's Department (P.M.G.) officers from NSW who were killed or died while on service with the Australian Imperial Force are inscribed into the marble. The names are also decorated with gold leaf.

The second honour roll is a facsimile book in which the names of all P.M.G. staff who died in both the First and Second World Wars were written. The book is set behind glass, in a wooden cabinet with a bronze inscription above it and a bronze laurel wreath below.

The memorials are located in Sydney's former General Post Office.


Honour roll:

To the glorious dead. Officers of PMG's Department in NSW who were killed or died while on service with the A.I.F.

Plaque above Book of Remembrance:

In memory of the officers of the Postmaster General's Department who died in the cause of freedom 1914-1918, 1939-1945.

Explanatory panel:

This book is in memory of those officers of the Postmasters Generals Department who died in the cause of freedom 1914-18, 1939-45. This facsimile* edition has been created to preserve the original item. The original volume is now in storage at Australia Post headquaters in Victoria. To protect the volume and its inscription from further deterioration and to ensure its survival into the future. * Facsimile produced by Conservation Access, State Library of New South Wales, February 2000.

Veterans listed on this memorial

Veterans listed on this memorial

Last held rank Given name Family name Conflict/s Service No. Service Campaign Read more
W H Courtman World War 1 view
R S Cox World War 1 view
A Croese World War 1 view
R H Crow World War 1 view
J Crowe World War 1 view
G Cruickshank World War 1 view
X L C Darrell World War 1 view
W C Davie World War 1 view
B O Davies World War 1 view
W P Davis World War 1 view

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Cnr Martin Place and George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Local Government Area
Sydney, City of
Memorial type
Memorial book/Book of Remembrance
Recorded by
David Roden
First World War, 1914–18
Second World War, 1939–45