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Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial

Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial, examples of veterans plaques
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial, examples of veterans plaques
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial, example of veterans plaque
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial, examples of veterans plaques
Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial, examples of veterans plaques
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Description / Background

The Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial is comprised of three concrete rendered walls, which represent the three branches of service as identified by the emblems attached to the walls. The walls stand within a circle of pebblecrete paving, with the words 'Lest we forget' inlaid in brass. A flagpole is located in the centre of the circle.

Surrounding the memorial are multiple timber benches, which have numerous steel plaques attached. They are inscribed with the service details of individual veterans including name, service number, conflict, service unit, birth date and date of death. Each plaque has been donated in memory of a veteran who was also a member of the Tea Gardens RSL sub-Branch. They include individuals who retired to the area and who served with various Australian forces, as well as British and New Zealand military units. The names in the table below are from these plaques. 

Nearby, a large bushrock memorial with a brass plaque contains a dedication and a 'Casualties and Losses' table for all conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

A Lone Pine tree is positioned behind the main memorial, with a dedication plaque mounted on bushrock with a small stone from the beach at Anzac Cove, Gallipoli, embedded in the rock. The Lone Pine was planted on Anzac Day, 2003. 

The memorial is located in Anzac Park, Tea Gardens, which is used for commemorative services throughout the year. 


Memorial dedication plaque

Tea Gardens Hawks Nest War Memorial

This Memorial was built by the community of Tea Gardens Hawks Nest

in memory of all those who gave their lives while serving our great nation.

Australian servicemen and servicewomen who enlisted in

Australian forces and served abroad.

[Casualties and Losses table - columns left to right: Conflict; Year; Numbers Enlisted/Engaged; Deaths; Wounded; POW's] 

Ode to the Fallen... by O.L. Binyon

They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old, Age shall not weary them,

nor the years condemn, At the going down of the sun and in the morning,

We will remember them. 

Lest We Forget

Individual veterans plaques, version 1

Donated in Memory of the Late


[Service number]

[Service details]

Tea Gardens RSL Sub Branch

[Birth date] [Date of death]

Individual veterans plaques, version 2

Donated in Memory of


[Service number and details]

Loved member of

Tea Gardens RSL Sub Branch

[Birth date] to [Date of death]

Lone Pine plaque

This pine tree was grown from a seed from

the original "Lone Pine" at Gallipoli.

At the Battle of Lone Pine on August 6th, 1915,

the Australian troops suffered 3500 casualties

and won 7 Victoria Crosses.

This Gallipoli Pine was planted by Daryl Martin,

Chairman of the War Memorial Committee,


Anzac Day 2003.

The small stone embedded in this rock is from

the beach at Anzac Cove, Gallipoli.

In memory of all

Australian Servicemen and Servicewomen

who gave their lives for our freedom.

Lest we forget.

Veterans listed on this memorial

Veterans listed on this memorial

Last held rank Given name Family name Conflict/s Service No. Service Campaign Read more
Sergeant Edgar "Ted" Davy Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) view
Corporal George De Polo Second World War, 1939–45 NX163362 (N25889) Australian Army - Second Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) view
Private Ron Dear Second World War, 1939–45 SX20220 (S10175) Australian Army - Second Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) view
Robert W Dickson KM10382 Royal Australian Navy (RAN) view
Leading Aircraftman Giles W Duvall Second World War, 1939–45 135313 Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) view
Driver Albert Edward "Nicky" Engel Second World War, 1939–45 NX47202 Australian Army - Second Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) view
Sergeant Michael Farrar Vietnam War, 1962–75 243308 Australian Army view
Sergeant Ronald G Franks Second World War, 1939–45 NX86106 Australian Army - Second Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) view
Flying Officer Alwyn Fripp Second World War, 1939–45 423092 Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) view
Corporal Robert Gillett Second World War, 1939–45 36597 Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) view

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Anzac Park
Marine Drive
Tea Gardens NSW 2324
Local Government Area
Mid-Coast Council
Location status
Original location
Memorial type
Memorial avenue/Memorial tree/Memorial trees
Recorded by
Geoff Mason, Tea Gardens RSL. Updated photos and veterans list by Graham Wilson.
Year of construction
Dedication date
23 March 2002
First World War, 1914–18
Peacekeeping, 1947–present
All conflicts