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Lance Corporal Stirling Napier Franki

Commemorated at
Given name
Family name
Service number
First World War, 1914–18
Somme 1916 - 1917
Died of wounds (DOW)
Fate date
27 July 1916
Additional information
Last held rank
Lance Corporal
Unit at embarkation
1st Field Company - Australian Engineers
Australian Army - First Australian Imperial Force (1st AIF)
Veteran Notes/Bio

The Honour Board is dedicated to Lance Corporal Franki and was donated by his parents. His father Mr James Peter Franki was the Managing Director of the Mort Dock & Engineering Company (at that time one of the largest private employers in NSW). 

Lance Corporal Franki enlisted August 1915. He was an engineer working at his father's company. He served three months in Egypt from December 1915 to March 1916. He reached France in April 1916. He died two days after being wounded in action at the Somme (hit by shrapnel as making his way to the front trenches). 

Letters on file show that after receiving a telegram from the AIF to say that his son was wounded, Mr Franki Senior obtained confirmation of his son's death via private cable long before he was advised formally by the AIF. Last known address was Montrose', Thames Street.

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