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East Maitland War Memorial Centre

East Maitland War Memorial Centre
East Maitland War Memorial Centre, with fence and plaques
East Maitland War Memorial Centre, close-up of gate with arch
East Maitland War Memorial Centre, plaque 1
East Maitland War Memorial Centre, plaque 2
East Maitland War Memorial Centre, plaque 3
East Maitland War Memorial Centre, plaque 4
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Description / Background

The East Maitland War Memorial Centre is a brick and timber building, located next to the Fire Station. At the front of the property is a curved brick fence with a wrought iron gate, which has a decorative wrought iron archway over the top. The arch bears the words 'War Memorial Centre' in gold lettering.

Attached to the four brick pillars flanking the gate are four brass plaques:

  • Plaque 1 lists the theatres of operation in the First World War and plaque 4 honours the 100th anniversary of the end of the war. Both plaques were installed in 2018 and were supported by an Armistice Centenary Grant from the Federal Government. 
  • Plaque 3 acknowledges the theatres of operation in Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq; Timor-Leste, and Afganistan. It was supported by a Community War Memorials Fund grant from the NSW Government. 
  • Plaque 2 is in honour of those who fell in the Second World War, Korea, and the Malayan Emergency. 

Sign above entrance

East Maitland War Memorial Centre


War Memorial Centre

Plaque 1

WW1 Centenary

4 August 1914–11 November 1918

[Emblems: Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, Australian Flying Corps]

Australian and New Zealand

Army Corps (ANZAC)

Adriatic, Amiens, Arras, Atlantic, Bapaume, Beersheba, Black Sea, Broodseinde, Chuignes, Chunuk Bair, Dardenelles, Dernacourt, Egypt, El Arish, Etinehem, Es Salt, First Battle of Bullecourt, Flers, Fromelles, Gallipoli, Gaza, German New Guinea, Hamel, Hangard Wood, Hazelbrouck, Hindenburg Line, Hundred Days Offensive, Indian Ocean, Lihons, Lone Pine, Marne, Megiddo, Menin Road, Messines, Mont St Quentin, Montbrehain, Morlancourt, Mouquet Farm, North Sea, Pacific, Palestine, Passchendaele, Poelcappelle, Polygon Wood, Pozieres, Proyart, Romani, Second Battle of Bullecourt, Second Battle of the Somme, Suez Canal, Suvla, The Nek, Thiepval, Third Battle of Ypres, Villers-Bretonneux, Western Front

Lest We Forget

Plaque 2

To the glory of God and in memory of the men and women of East Maitland who paid the supreme sacrifice in World War II, Korea and Malaya.

Plaque 3

To the glory of God and in memory of the men and women who served their nation and those who paid the supreme sacrifice in Vietnam; Somalia; Iraq; Timor-Leste & Afghanistan

Plaque 4

WW1 Centenary

4 August 1914–11 November 1918

[Emblems: Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army, Australian Flying Corps]

Royal Australian Navy

Australian Army

East Maitland RSL sub-Branch

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War with the surrender of the German Armed Forces in France 11 November 1918

This plaque honours the men and women of the Commonwealth of Australia who served their country during this conflict

4 August 1914 to 11 November 1918

And pays homage to all Australians who gave their lives in the defence of their country and of the free world

Lest We Forget

S.F. Grimmer President

N.B. Cromarty Hon Secretary

M.J. Burgess Hon Treasurer

Veterans listed on this memorial

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Cnr New England Highway and High Street
East Maitland NSW 2323
Local Government Area
Maitland, City of
Location status
Original location
Memorial type
Recorded by
Bradley Keating. Robert McLardy.
Dedication date
02 October 1948
First World War, 1914–18
Second World War, 1939–45
Korean War, 1950–53
Malayan Emergency, 1950–60
Vietnam War, 1962–75
Iraq: the First Gulf War, 1990–91
Afghanistan, 2001–21
Iraq: the Second Gulf War, 2003–09
Peacekeeping, 1947–present