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Remembrance Day Service at Sutton Public School

Remembrance Day Service at Sutton Public School

Honour Their Spirit: Commemorating the Centenary of Armistice 2018


Sunday, 11 November 2018 - 3 pm

Sutton NSW Remembrance Day 2018 event notice. Full transcription following.

100 years to the day since the Armistice of Compiegne was signed between the Allies and Germany signifying the end of the First World War, Sutton will commemorate the occasion. The Remembrance Day service will take place at 3.00pm at the Memorial Gates at Sutton Public School. The service, led by Ven Dr Royce Thompson will include prayers, hymns and the laying of wreaths and poppies.

Following the service, tea and coffee will be served at the RFS shed before we return to the Memorial Gates for a special tribute.

At 4.45pm, Sutton will unite with hundreds of other communities along the eastern seaboard of Australia to honour those who served. Our piper, Chris Lindesay, along with other Australian pipe bands and pipers will play ‘The Battle’s O’er’, the tune composed a century ago to remember those who served and paid the supreme sacrifice.

We hope you can join us.

Further details will be available in the November edition of the Sutton Chatter.

For inquiries contact:

Sutton and District Community Association Inc.

Alan McNeill: 6230 3569

Alison Walker: 0400 725 277