The memorial tree is a Lone Pine propagated from the pine famously brought back from Gallipoli. The tree is positioned at the front of a row of trees planted along the roadside. A plaque on the wall in front of the tree records its donation by the Orange sub-Branch of the Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia in black lettering. The tree is surrounded by a low concrete and piping fence painted in cream with red highlights.
It appears that the Lone Pine Tree was originally planted in Robertson Park and was moved from there to its present position in about 1939.
A meeting of Orange Council held on 2 July 1940, reported that £32 had been spent by the Orange RS & SILA sub-Branch to place a low galvanised iron piping and chain wire fence around the memorial plot at the corner of Bathurst Road and Cemetery Lane (which is now known as Lone Pine Lane). Instructions were sought by Council for a more permanent fencing solution such as a concrete fence and railing (The Leader (Orange), 3 July 1940).
The Leader (Orange), 23 September 1940 described the official handing-over ceremony by the Orange RS & SILA sub-Branch to Orange Council which was held in the small reserve on Sunday, 22 September 1940. Members of the Volunteer Defence Corps and the Voluntary Aid Detachment assembled at the Drill Hall before the ceremony. The Mayor thanked the returned soldiers for the work they had put into preparing the site for the memorial and for their public-spirited action in handing the plot over to the community.
The site is used as a memorial for commemorative events by the RSL sub-Branch.