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Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park Honour Roll

Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park Honour Roll
Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park Honour Roll
Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park Honour Roll, smaller concrete monument
Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park Honour Roll, close-up of laurel wreath on rock
Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park Honour Roll, Second World War and Vietnam side
Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park, Boer War and First World War side
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Description / Background

Positioned within the leafy setting of Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park, this honour roll is dedicated to the men and women of Bingara and district who served in the Boer War, the First and Second World Wars, and the Vietnam War.  

The roll consists of eight bronze panels, divided into two sets of four. Each set is mounted within the alcove of a wall-like structure made of brick. Standing between the two walls is a smaller concrete monument, which has a bronze plaque attached bearing a separate dedication to all those who have served. 

In front of the memorial is a garden bed and a bushrock with a plaque in the shape of a laurel wreath surrounding an eternal flame. Two flagpoles are also positioned nearby. 

The origins of this memorial may go back as far as May 1921, when a group of returned soldiers and relatives decided to erect a war memorial at the School of Arts. The piece was to include an honour roll and photographs of the men who died on active service (The Daily Telegraph, 11 May 1921). However, it is unknown if this roll was ever constructed or unveiled. 

More than a decade later, the Warialda Standard reported on a decision to create a roll of the fallen in its issue of 19 September 1938. It was made of brass and installed at the Bingara Soldiers Memorial Hall, which had been completed in 1923. 

After the Second World War, the 1938 roll was moved to the memorial park, and a new brass roll for the Second World War was also unveiled. It is possible the 'brick-wall' structure, or something similar, was also built around this time to house the rolls.

At some stage prior to 2007, research had been undertaken to identify names missing from the rolls. These were added to the memorial via a smaller plaque. All these names were later combined onto the eight panels shown in the images above. These were unveiled and rededicated in 2009 by the Member for New England, Tony Windsor, and the Member for Northern Tablelands, Richard Torbay. The earlier brass rolls were moved to the Bingara Historical Society Museum. 

Various commemorative services are held in the park throughout the year.


Honour rolls - left

1914 - Honour Roll - 1918

Dedicated to the men and women who served in the Great War

Boer War 1899–1902


First World War, 1914–1918


Honour rolls - right

1939 - World War II - 1945

Dedicated to the men and women who served in World War II

Second World War, 1939–1945


Vietnam War, 1962–1972


Other conflicts

[No names]

Concrete monument

Dedicated to the

men and women

of Bingara

and district

who served their country

Lest we forget

Laurel wreath plaque on rock

Lest we forget

Veterans listed on this memorial

Veterans listed on this memorial

Last held rank Given name Family name Conflict/s Service No. Service Campaign Read more
Gunner J McMeekin First World War, 1914–18 54232 Australian Army - First Australian Imperial Force (1st AIF) view
Private V J McTaggart Second World War, 1939–45 NX180843 Australian Army - Second Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) view
Lieutenant H J H Meades First World War, 1914–18 3985 Australian Army - First Australian Imperial Force (1st AIF) view
Private M Meadows First World War, 1914–18 103 Australian Army - First Australian Imperial Force (1st AIF) view
Private P Meadows First World War, 1914–18 3597 Australian Army - First Australian Imperial Force (1st AIF) Somme 1916 - 1917 view
Private A S Meadows Second World War, 1939–45 NX27336 Australian Army - Second Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) view
Private S Meyer First World War, 1914–18 2096 Australian Army - First Australian Imperial Force (1st AIF) view
J S Michell First World War, 1914–18 view
Signalman Amos Michell Second World War, 1939–45 NX31568 Australian Army - Second Australian Imperial Force (2nd AIF) view
Corporal H R Miller First World War, 1914–18 2053 Australian Army - First Australian Imperial Force (1st AIF) view

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Bingara Returned Servicemen's Memorial Park
Cnr Finch Street and Memorial Avenue
Bingara NSW 2404
Local Government Area
Gwydir Shire
Location status
Memorial type
Recorded by
Graham Wilson
Year of construction
South African War (Boer War), 1899–1902
First World War, 1914–18
Second World War, 1939–45
Vietnam War, 1962–75
All conflicts
Other stone