Kyogle Memorial Pool
Plaque 1
Kyogle War Memorial Swimming Pool officially opened by the Hon. I.J.F. Barraclough, M.L.A., Minister for Culture, Sport & Education on December, 6th, 1975 A.E.G. Strong Shire President, F.H. Phillips Shire Clerk, J.P.B. Westera Shire Engineer, F.E. Marsh and Co. Pty Ltd. Building Contractor.
Plaque 2
Kyogle Shire Council War Memorial Learners' Pool officially opened by the Hon. N.K. Wran Q.C. M.L.A. Premier of New South Wales on April 6th, 1978. B.W. Rixon Shire President, P.D. Thew Shire Clerk, J.F.B. Westera Shire Engineer, C.J.R. Construction Co. Building Contractor.